Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wait, Hutchinson For OR Against Earmarking?

Sadly most politicians use anything and everything for personal gain, so it’s really no surprise for Kay Bailey Hutchinson or most politicians to flip flop on earmarking. In recent news Hutchinson made a complete flip on her stance on earmarks, and as of currently she is opposed to it. In my opinion earmarking is never a good thing, just last year on a single bill, the omnibus spending bill, that Obama signed totaling $410 billion, $8.2 billion was spent elsewhere due to 9,000 earmarks added to the bill. In order for a democracy to function properly the people need to be able to have an open and apparent process of law making, yet earmarks seem to go against this basic rule. These so called pork barrel projects use federal money and allocate the money to local spending. Earmarks are a gateway drug to corruption. In a perfect world there is nothing wrong with earmarking but when there are corrupt and self serving individuals doing the earmarking it does more harm than good. To further prove my point, Democratic Representative Jim Oberstar said that earmarks are a way to get money to people who need it when "the state isn't doing its job." How is it okay to ignore the stases obvious problem of “not doing its job” by taking money away from its intended purpose? This article does a good job of pointing out how Hutchison and dare I say Perry are jumping on the band wagon…”come on everyone is doing it.” Luckily for us the band wagon is headed in the right direction. 

Friday, November 12, 2010


I had no idea Martindale was a dry town. I drive through there all the time to get to my in-laws house and I was warned long ago that Martindale was a speed trap and your article explains why that is. I completely agree that having a dry town in this day and age is just silly and is a waste of perfectly good taxable money. Maybe they figure that if they make residence of Martindale drive farther to get drunk than they will have a lot more drunk drivers and therefore more tickets will be administered giving the town more money. The taxes on alcohol in Texas are pretty low, ($2.40spirits, $0.204wine, $0.20beer per gallon) but it would still help out the community a lot. Considering that the residence in Martindale make below the average income for the state of Texas, you would think they would like more of taxes they are spending to go into their community.