Friday, November 12, 2010


I had no idea Martindale was a dry town. I drive through there all the time to get to my in-laws house and I was warned long ago that Martindale was a speed trap and your article explains why that is. I completely agree that having a dry town in this day and age is just silly and is a waste of perfectly good taxable money. Maybe they figure that if they make residence of Martindale drive farther to get drunk than they will have a lot more drunk drivers and therefore more tickets will be administered giving the town more money. The taxes on alcohol in Texas are pretty low, ($2.40spirits, $0.204wine, $0.20beer per gallon) but it would still help out the community a lot. Considering that the residence in Martindale make below the average income for the state of Texas, you would think they would like more of taxes they are spending to go into their community.

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