Friday, December 10, 2010

Keep Texans' Civil Liberties

I will be critiquing Carleen’s article “Keep Texans Safe” about a proposition for a bill that would allow sobriety check points to be established all over Texas. I personally think a sobriety check points are a waste of time and money. It might be a little daring to say, but Darwin was right about natural selection. However, Carleen is right that innocent people do die, so I do like the idea of more funding for safe ride programs. If we are going to have sobriety check points we might as well have theft searches every time you leave a store because you MIGHT steal, or drug check points throughout the state costing millions of dollars because you MIGHT have drugs. Sure Texas does have the highest number of drunk driving fatalities out of all 50 states, but by percentage of population South Carolina, Louisiana, Virginia, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Hawaii, and Rhode Island all are way above Texas.  I wish Carleen was right that we could carelessly give up our civil liberties’ in the name of public safety, but sadly politicians take advantage of citizens. George Bush made it legal for the government to view your “financial, library, travel, video rental, phone, medical, church, synagogue, and mosque records which can be searched without your knowledge or consent, provided the government says it's trying to protect against terrorism”. Bush called these bashings of citizen’s civil liberties the “Patriot Act”, and the government is allowed to do much more than just view records, they can search your home, tap your phones, and place you under surveillance without your knowledge or consent. 
So I will keep my civil liberties thank you very much.

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