Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Claws are Out!

“If the Horseshoe Fits” is an article written by Richard Whittaker about the bitter feud between Bill White and Rick Perry. Bill White is finally coming at Rick Perry with his claws out by drawing attention to Rick Perry advancing his career through the advancement of his friends careers as unethical and dishonest. He keeps rubbing his friends back and they keep rubbing his…back ;). This article is a must read, it gives great incite to the inner workings of our governor. This article hits on many issues such as Rick Perry’s land holding, rewriting compliance terms on grants making it easier for big businesses, a $9000 a month mansion, avoiding debate, and last but not least his ethics. Hopefully we will see in the near future an actual debate between these two politicians, where we can finally judge for ourselves who is the better governor of Texas.

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