Saturday, October 2, 2010

Why Won't Perry Sign?

    The article, Perry’s Latest Temper Tantrum, by Brooke Breitling is about the governor refusing to sign an application to receive 830 million dollars for Texas education because he does not want to fork up the required amount to receive these funds. Brooke writes that last year alone Perry received 3.2 billion dollars in stimulus funds and now he is avoiding meeting a measly 830 million dollar requirement to receive the available funds, and to make himself look blameless he points the finger at the department of education. The author wants everyone to know that the department of education has stated that they have guaranteed this money to Texas education, and that Rick Perry’s press release and law suit is just a smoke screen that is wasting time and tax payers’ money.
    Brooke Breitling wants voters to know exactly what Rick Perry has been up to regarding educational funding. I believe that she intends to not only have this article appeal to parents but to everyone.  Who is Brooke Breitling, patriotic journalist or communist saboteur? Only the future will tell, but what we do know that Brooke is an intern at the Texas Observer and her focus is on the stimulus watch in Texas. In this particular article she uses a statement from the Department of Education and the special requirements for Texas to receive additional funds to further prove her point.  She also uses humor comparing politicians to six years olds to clearly demonstrate the antics of Perry and his party to the reader. I believe this article to be accurate, however she does not give any reason as to why Rick Perry would refuse to meet the requirements to receive the stimulus funding, which makes the article very confusing. Also Breitling fails to inform the reader of last year’s requirements for Texas to receive the 3.2 billion dollar stimulus. In my opinion the article was very informative and had some good points that were well supported, but there seemed to be too much researching on my part to understand it.

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