Friday, October 29, 2010

What Texas Government Needs

I believe that the only way for anything related to Texas government, politics, and voting to improve Texas MUST raise the education standards.
It is appalling how little Texas high school students know about the local and state government and unless they go to college they will never know. Typically a student in a Texas high schools spends only two weeks learning about Local and State government, this adds up to only 6 hours on this topic in their whole high school education. Speaking only for myself I must admit that fresh out of high school I would never have thought that voting for anyone other than the president of the United States should have any priority in my life. The most important way to get your voice heard is by voting locally for candidates who will represent your opinions and your needs on a national level. How will any change occur if no one understands this basic principle? How do you expect anyone with an infinitesimal amount of knowledge of our political system to go out and vote, to understand what “tricks” the politicians are playing, to understand the importance of taking part in our local and state government.
Raising the bar for high school government classes will increase voting, involvement in government, and political understanding in Texas. The lone star state seems to be all about immediate gratification, so will young citizens educations ever improve? It might not help at this very moment, but by increasing teaching material for high school government courses it will increase awareness of many Texas’s government issues. The younger citizens of the lone star state if better educated would learn where to find reliable, truthful sources on politics and as a result would have a better foundation for making well informed decisions. Texas will have higher educated people interested in government and politics and therefore resulting in more qualified candidates being elected for any government position.
Everyone needs to take part in the political system in order for there to be order and honesty within that system. It behooves candidates to reach out and inform the younger populous in order to get their party additional votes. Being informed and having basic knowledge of politics and government will get rid of narrow minded decisions, will broaden an individual’s involvement, and will help create a healthier political culture.

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