Friday, October 15, 2010

Dirty Tricks in District 47

I went to the Austin Chronicle’s website to find an informative blog on the political news in Texas, and what I found was a piece written by Richard Whittaker about dirty tricks Paul Workman’s campaign has done to try to insult Valinda Bolton. Richard Whittaker has written for the Austin Chronicle for quite some time. When researching his older articles I found over eighty pages of his writings. He has written about a large variety of things including, reviews, elections, festivals, surveys, education, and politics. As with many of the political bloggers in Austin at the moment Richard Whittaker has been focusing a lot on the upcoming elections. This blog was intended to appeal to anyone in district 47 which includes Austin; I base this on the fact that Workman and Bolton are both candidates for house district 47. I love how Whittaker states that “politicians are trying to recreate reality in the way that fits their world view” and he gives an example of how Paul Workman tries to do this by altering a picture of his opponent to include a picture of Barrack Obama, then in bright red Workman writes that Bolton is an “ultra-liberal”. The funny thing about this fiasco is that under that picture it confirmed that the picture was added because of the perception that Bolton is aligned with Obama. What is next…Whittaker claiming Bolton is a so called ultra-liberal because she wears blue? This blog really points out how low politicians will go to make their opponent look bad, and anyone with any kind of standards would see how dirty this tactic is. Whatever happened to just making yourself look good as a representative of the people? When did politics become trying to slander your opponent better than they can slander you? I would suggest anyone to read this blog post as it is informative and humorous.

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